
  • 1.

    you know

    1.  used to emphasize a statement


      •   There’s no excuse, you know.你要知道,没什么借口好找的。

    2.  used to make sure that someone understands what you are saying


      •   I felt very upset, you know?我觉得心里很烦,懂吗?

    3.  used when you want to keep someone’s attention, but cannot think of what to say next


      •   Well, you know, we’ve got a job to do here.嗯,要知道,我们在这里有活儿要干。

    4.  used when you are explaining or describing something and want to give more information


      •   That flower in the garden – you know, the purple one – what is it?花园里的那种花,你知道,就是紫色的那种,它叫什么?

  • 2.

    you know/do you know

    used to start talking about something, or make someone listen


    •   You know, I sometimes feel I don’t know him at all.你知道吗,我有时候感觉自己一点都不了解他。Do you know, when I went out this morning that man was still there.你知道吗,今天早晨我出去时,那个男人还在那里。

  • 3.

    I know

    1.  used to agree with someone or to say that you feel the same way


      •   ‘We have to talk about it, Rob.’ ‘Yeah, I know.’“罗布,这件事我们得谈谈。”“好啊,我也这么想。

    2.  used to say that you have suddenly had an idea, thought of a solution to a problem etc


      •   I know! Let’s go out for a meal on your birthday.有了!你生日那天我们出去吃饭吧。

    3.  used to stop someone from interrupting because they have an opinion about what you are saying


      •   It sounds silly, I know, but I will explain.,I know, I know, I should have had the car checked out before now.这听起来很傻,我知道,但我会解释的。,我知道,我知道,我应该事先把汽车检查一下的。

  • 4.

    I don’t know

    1.  used to say that you do not have the answer to a question


      •   ‘When did they arrive?’ ‘I don’t know.’“他们是什么时候到的?”“我不知道。”

    2.  used when you are not sure about something


      •   ‘How old do you think he is?’ ‘Oh, I don’t know – sixty, seventy?’“你觉得他有多大年纪?”“哦,我不清楚。 60,70?”

    3.  used to show that you disagree slightly with what has just been said


      •   ‘I couldn’t live there.’ ‘Oh, I don’t know. It might not be so bad.’“我没法在那里生活。”“噢,我倒不这么认为,可能没那么糟吧。”

    4. BrE used to show that you are slightly annoyed


      •   Oh, I don’t know! You’re hopeless!唉,真是的! 你无药可救了!

  • 5.

    I don’t know how/why etc

    used to criticize someone


    •   I don’t know how people could keep an animal in those conditions.我真想不到怎么会有人把动物养在那样的环境里。

  • 6.

    I don’t know about you, but...

    used to give your opinion, decision, or suggestion when you are not sure that the person you are talking to will feel the same way


    •   I don’t know about you, but I’ll be glad when Christmas is over.不知道你怎么想,我是希望圣诞节早点结束。

  • 7.

    I don’t know how to thank you/repay you

    used to thank someone


  • 8.

    wouldn’t you know (it)

    used to say that something is not at all surprising


    •   I was told in no uncertain terms that Helen, wouldn’t you know it, didn’t approve.别人肯定地告诉我说海伦不赞成,难道你不知道?

  • 9.

    you don’t know

    used to emphasize how strong your feelings are


    •   You don’t know how much I missed him.你不知道我那时多么惦念他。

  • 10.

    I wouldn’t know

    used to say that you do not know the answer to something and that you are not the person who would know


  • 11.

    what does sb know?

    used to say angrily that someone’s opinion is wrong or that it is not important


    •   What does she know about relationships?恋爱的事她懂些什么?

  • 12.

    how should I know?/how am I to know?/how do I know?

    used to say that it is not reasonable to expect that you should know something


    •   ‘When will they be back?’ ‘How should I know?’“他们什么时候回来?”“我怎么知道?”

  • 13.

    how was I to know?/how did I know?

    used as an excuse when something bad has happened


    •   How was I to know that the file was confidential?我怎么会知道这是一份机密文件?

  • 14.

    be not to know

    BrE used to say that you do not mind that someone has made a mistake because they could not have avoided it


    •   ‘Sorry, I didn’t realize you had guests.’ ‘That’s all right – you weren’t to know.’“很抱歉,我没想到你有客人。”“没关系,你又不知道。”

  • 15.

    I ought to know

    used to emphasize that you know about something because you made it, experienced it etc


    •   ‘Are you sure there’s no sugar in this coffee?’ ‘Of course. I ought to know – I made it!’“你肯定这杯咖啡里没有糖吗?”“当然肯定,我自己冲的我还不知道!”

  • 16.

    for all I know

    used to emphasize that you do not know something and say that it is not important to you


    •   I don’t know where she is. She could have been kidnapped for all I know.我不知道她在哪里,说不定她被人绑架了。

  • 17.

    not that I know of

    used to say that you think the answer is ‘no’ but there may be facts that you do not know about


    •   ‘Did he call earlier?’ ‘Not that I know of.’“他早些时候来过电话吗?”“据我所知没有。”

  • 18.

    Heaven/God/who/goodness knows!

    1.  used to say that you do not know the answer to a question


      •   ‘Where do you think he’s disappeared to this time?’ ‘God knows!’,Goodness knows why she didn’t go herself.“你说这回他去哪里了呢?”“天知道!”,天知道她为什么不自己去。

    2.  used to emphasize a statement


      •   Goodness knows, I’ve never liked the woman, but I didn’t know how bad it would be to work with her.老天作证,我从来就不喜欢这女人,可我也不知道和她一起工作会这么糟糕。

  • 19.

    knowing my luck

    used to say that you expect something bad will happen because you are usually unlucky


    •   Knowing my luck, the train will be late.我知道自己向来倒霉,这趟火车要晚点了。

  • 20.

    (well,) what do you know?

    used to express surprise


    •   Well, what do you know? Look who’s here!啊,真没想到,看看谁来了!

  • 21.

    if you know what’s good for you

    used to tell someone that they should do something, or something bad will happen


    •   You’ll keep your mouth shut about this if you know what’s good for you!如果你知道好歹的话,就别把这事说出去!

  • 22.

    you know who/what

    used to talk about someone or something without mentioning their name


    •   I saw you know who yesterday.昨天我看到那谁了。


以上从朗文词典复制。如果这些know都按字面理解直译,会有多不到位?如果没有解释和翻译,我们能真正看懂多少?一个know加上简单的搭配就能地道的表达各种微妙的语气。We should know about it。


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