
《老友记》第一季17集,Rachel和Monica相互吐槽,Rachel以第一人称暗讽Monica说:I get to boss people around...Monica反唇相讥:

Oh, god, I am so spoiled... 


Collins词典对boss的解释:if you say someone bosses you, you mean that they keep telling you what to do in a way that is irritating. (Boss around, or in British Englisn boss about means the same as boss)

I'm sick of you bossing me around!


'You are not to boss me!' she shouted.  



If you are your own boss, you work for yourself or make your own decisions and do not have anyone telling you what to do.

I'm very much my own boss and no one interferes with what I do.  


I like being my own boss


Who's the boss (= who's in control) in this house?


说完boss,再看看Monica对Rachel的吐槽,就知道“娇生惯养”怎么表达了,除了用开头说到的“I am so spoiled”。


Monica: I said we are not going to do it, okay? Sometimes you can be such a, a big baby.

Rachel: (Resenting the truth) I am not a baby! You know what? I swear to god, just because you get so uptight every time we...

Monica: Sure, every time, you're such a princess...

Rachel: You know what?

Monica: What?

Rachel: You know what?

Monica: What!?

Rachel: You know what?

Monica: (getting angry) What!!?

Rachel: Every day, you are becoming more and more like your mother.



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