Do you have a sec?

回家路上听到一句“Do you have a second?" 

"This is a nice way to make sure your boss isn't busy when you wanna ask them something."

还有两种近似说法,We could also say this in two different ways:

Do you have a minute? I wanna ask you something.

Do you have a sec? I need to talk to you.

联想到汉语的情景,在公司想要对上级说什么的时候,打通电话一般第一句都会说“XX,有空吗?/现在方便吗?”今天听到的这句正好打通了这个情景的英汉对应关系。Do you have a sec? 正好能表达”有空吗/方便吗“,直接了当,又不失礼节。

学语言的一个难点就是要学人家约定俗称的惯用法,如果直接去想“方便吗,有空吗”的翻译,肯定是不地道的。毕竟人家的习惯和思维跟我们是很不一样的,比如“人还没到齐”英语的习惯说法是:They are still arriving.


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